Chargeable services

There are a number of services that are not part of our NHS contract. We therefore make a charge for these as private work. The fee reflects the Doctors time and professional opinion, secretarial support and stationary consumables).

Employment Items

  • Private sick note £15.00
  • Private Prescription £17.00
  • Freedom from infection cert £30.00

Private Medicals

  • Driving Licence examination £113.00
  • Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) medical £113.00
  • Pre-Employment medical £113.00
  • Mental Health (forma & medical) £113.00
  • Sports examination (scuba diving, car racing etc) £113.00
  • Taxi Hire Medical £113.00

Travel Items

GPs no longer complete Passport forms

  • Fitness to travel form £30.00
  • Holiday Cancellation certificate £28.00
  • Holiday Cancellation detailed report £30.00 Short/£50.00 Long
  • Private Prescription for Malaria £17.00
  • Vaccination Certificate £17.00

Travel Vaccinations. The Practice only provide Tetanus, Polio, Hep A and Typhoid , Patients wishing more  complex travel vaccines will need to book with the local Pharmacy or travel vaccine clinics.

  • Cholera (private Px) £17.00
  • Hepatitis A  (2 injection course) No charge
  • Meningitis ACWY vac £70.00

Private Forms

  • Driving Licence (Photo) £29.50
  • Employment Report without Exam £40.00
  • Fitness to attend school £25.00
  • Fitness to attend university (without exam) £30.00short/£50.00 Long
  • Fitness to join/ attend gym or health club £30.00short/£50.00 Long
  • Insurance claim forms £30.00 short/£45 Long
  • Lasting Power of Attorney/court of protection £60.00

Private Tests

  • DNA testing £90.00
  • Hair sampling for drugs £90.00
  • Blood Group testing £39.00
  • Blood tests £19.50

Private Patient Consultation – Overseas Visitors

  • Private patient consultation (£137.00 per hour), £63.50 for a 20 minute consultation
  • Private ANP consultation £39.75 for a 20 minute consultation
  • Private Prescription £17.00
  • Private Sick note £15.00
  • Blood testing £19.50
  • Private ECG £80.00

Insurance Reports

  • GP report for applicants £104.00
  • GP supplementary report £27.00


  • GP fee for driver licensing (GP cert) £12.50
  • GP2 Series £40.00
  • GP Examination £89.00
  • Blood test only  £39.00

Cremation Fees

  • Mileage allowance   57.5p per mile
  • Form 4 £82.00
  • Form 5 £82.00

Medical Records Access and Copying Fees

  • Health records on computer £10.00
  • Health records part comp & part manual £50.00 max
  • Health records held manually £50.00

Patient Access to Records

  • Health records held totally on computer £10.00
  • Health Records part computer & part manual £10.00  (added prior to 40 days)
  • Access to health records free if added in last 40 days


  • Department of Work and Pensions DLA £33.50
  • Department of Work and Pensions DLA £17.00
  • MOD £65.00 + photocopying fees