Nurse Services

The Nursing team provide the following services in fully equipped treatment rooms, between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

Practice Nurses

Our practice nurses hold surgeries for:

  • Annual Long Term Condition Reviews
  • Cervical smears and swabs
  • Contraception & HRT Checks
  • Vaccinations & Immunisations – including travel & baby immunisations

Sexual Health Clinic

We provide the following services:

  • Implanon fit & removal
  • IUCD fit
  • IUCD removal
  • Contraceptive advice

Health Care Assistant (HCA)

The HCA services include blood tests, ECG’s, new patient checks, vaccinations, immunizations, and weight checks.

Please book an appointment with the Health Care Assistant for any of the following:-

  • Blood tests
  • B12 injection
  • Urine tests
  • Blood Pressure checks
  • Ear care
  • ECG
  • Glucose tolerance test
  • Learning Disability Health Reviews
  • New registration health check
  • NHS health check
  • Shingles injections
  • Weight/healthy lifestyle follow-up
  • Flu & pneumonia jabs.