Patient Charter

All members of the team are dedicated to providing the patients with a continuous quality of service to achieve the best medical care which meets with patient requirements.

The Charter also means that Patients have responsibilities to the surgery in being courteous to all members of staff. Patients should understand that if they need to cancel or cannot attend on time and do not inform us then this also inconvenience other patients.

Zero tolerance

The Practice will not tolerate patients who verbally or physically abuse a member of the Primary Health Care Team, whilst attending the surgery or speaking on the telephone. Any person found to be abusive either verbally or physically would be removed from the practice list in line with practice policy.

Joint responsibilities

GP Responsibilities Patient Responsibilities
You will be treated as a partner in the care you receive. Being a partner means we have a responsibility to each other.
You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and respect at all times. You have the right at all times to be treated confidentially. We ask that you treat the Doctors and all the staff with the same courtesy and respect.
You will be entitled to have a copy of our Practice Leaflet (either printed or here on the web). Please read the information, this will help you get the best out of the services we offer.
We will try to answer the phone promptly and courteously. Please try to call outside the surgery times for non-urgent requests. Please state name of the patient and keep calls brief.
You will be able to see your Doctor within 20 minutes of your appointment time. Please do everything you can to keep appointments. Tell us as soon as possible if you cannot attend.
You will be offered an explanation if your Doctor over runs this time. Please try to be punctual. If you arrive late this may cause delays and inconvenience to the other patients. If we are running late, please bare with us because on another occasion it may be you.
We will explain the likely effects of the drugs and review your long term medical needs at agreed times. You should not expect to be given a prescription every time you visit the Doctor. Please remember to check cupboards before ordering a repeat prescription.
We will advise you about how and when to obtain the results of X-rays or tests you have undergone. Please do not call before the suggested time.
If we believe that you need a second opinion we will try to help you get this. You have the right to ask for a second opinion.
We will visit you at home if you are too ill or frail to be brought to the surgery Facilities for examination and treatment are better at the surgery. The less time a Doctor spends travelling the more time is available for patients. Please do not ask for a home visit unless it is strictly necessary. Please ensure that your request for a visit reaches the surgery before 11.30am, including weekends and holidays, unless of course, a genuine emergency arises later.Please do not request a home visit on the grounds of lack of transport.
We will visit you outside surgery hours for emergencies Please do not call out of hours except in real cases of emergency. Whenever possible it is best to wait for the next surgery. Please do not attend the Out of Hours for routine matters.
Whenever possible we will give 24 hours notice of any cancelled clinics or surgery. Please remember to tell us if you no longer need your appointment.
We will inform you about how you can make suggestions and complaints about the service we offer.
If you would like a chaperone during your examination, procedure or consultation please inform the Doctor or Practice Nurse and they will make appropriate arrangements.